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Notice of Sheriff’s Sale: Linker




By virtue of a certified copy of a decree to me directed from the Clerk of Circuit Court of Parke County, Indiana, in Cause No. 61C01-1902-MF-000064 wherein Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. was Plaintiff, and Barbara Linker, Mark Linker; Indiana Housing & Community Development Authority; were Defendants, requiring me to make the sum as provided for in said Decree with interest and cost, I will expose at public sale to the highest bidder, on the 19th day of September, 2019, at the hour of 1:30 pm or as soon thereafter as is possible, at 458 W. Strawberry Road, Rockville, IN 47872, the fee simple of the whole body of Real Estate in Parke County, Indiana.


A tract of land lying in the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 34, Township 14 North, Range 8 West, in Parke County, Indiana, and more particularly described as follows:


Commencing at the Southeast corner of the William L. Boatman land, said land being located in the above named quarter section, township and range aforesaid; running thence West 268 feet; thence South 92 feet and 6 inches; thence East to the Terre Haute and Rockville Gravel Road; thence in a Northerly direction along said gravel road to the place of beginning.


More commonly known as: 376 South Main Street, Rosedale, IN 47874-9608

State Parcel No.: 61-14-34-000-113.000-004


Together with rent, issues, income, and profits thereof, said sale will be made without relief from valuation or appraisement laws.


Justin Cole

Sheriff of Parke County

The Sheriff’s Department does not warrant the accuracy of the street address published herein.

Plaintiff Attorney

ATTORNEY NO. 1032183

Coldilis Law, LLC

8050 Cleveland Place

Merrillville, IN 46410

(219) 736-5579


This firm is deemed to be a debt collector.Not

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